Have you been wondering if you can make double brewed coffee? Then you’ve landed on the right article. Today, I’ll tell you how to make some super strong-tasting coffee that will fulfill your need for caffeine.

Down below, I’ll go over what this coffee is and how it’s made. I’ll also go over an amazing iced version that you can make in preparation for the warmer days a little further down.

Are you ready to learn some awesome stuff today? Then grab some coffee, sit back, and start reading away!

What is double brewed coffee?

Double brewed coffee is coffee that has been brewed using double the amount of coffee beans. But it’s also made by re-using brewed coffee to brew another batch of coffee.

Now, you’re probably wondering how to use these two techniques yourself so you can give this coffee a try.

To make this coffee, take the number of coffee beans you’re usually using to brew a cup of coffee, but double the amount. For example, when using 18 grams of coffee beans to brew the pour over coffee, use 36 grams instead.

The amount of coffee used can differ depending on the coffee brewing technique. Down below, you can check out a table that I’ve made so you can check how many coffee beans you’re going to need:

Coffee brewer: Number of coffee beans for regular coffee:How much coffee beans for double brewed coffee:Amount of water needed:
French press18 grams36 grams1 cup (0.24 l)
Chemex21 grams42 grams1 cup (0.24 l)
Hario V6020 grams40 grams1 cup (0.24 l)
AeroPress17 grams34 grams1 cup (0.24 l)
Moka pot17 grams34 grams1 cup (0.24 l)

As you can see from the above-listed table, you’re going to need a lot of coffee beans to brew some coffee.

For this technique, brew your coffee using the same amount of water you’d typically use to brew coffee — but double the amount of coffee beans. I’ve also listed the amount of water in the table.

Using double the amount of coffee beans will result in a super-strong cup of coffee, with double the amount of caffeine. Please keep this in mind when brewing coffee using this technique.

You should probably steer away from this technique when you don’t drink coffee that often, as this coffee will give you enough caffeine to get you through the day in one cup! However, if this sounds like something you need today, read along to find out all about it.

How to make double brewed coffee?

As I’ve mentioned before, there’re two ways to making this coffee:

  • Using double the amount of coffee, to brew a stronger tasting cup of coffee, with double the amount of caffeine.
  • Using brewed coffee instead of water to brew another cup of coffee to increase coffee strength.

Let’s talk a bit about re-using the already brewed coffee to make more coffee, down below you’ll find a step-by-step to double brewed coffee:

  1. Pick your favorite coffee brewer to make coffee. This can be a French pressChemexHario V60, or even an AeroPress.
  2. Brew coffee using one of the techniques mentioned above. You can click on the techniques to find out how to brew coffee using these techniques.
  3. Once your coffee has been brewed, clean your coffee brewer and throw out the used coffee beans.
  4. Add another batch of coffee beans and start the brewing process. This time around, use your hot coffee instead of water.
  5. Follow the same steps of brewing coffee to make double brewed coffee.

Once you finish brewing coffee, you’ve got yourself some amazing super-caffeinated coffee waiting for you.

How to make double-strength coffee

You can make double-strength coffee by following the two steps that I’ve mentioned above. These brewing techniques will brew a double-strength coffee that’ll get you through the day.

"Brewing double brewed coffee using brewed coffee to make more coffee."

Double strength coffee means the same as double brewed coffee, so you can easily follow either of the brewing guides to brew that caffeinated cup of joe!

If you don’t feel like drinking hot coffee because it’s hot outside, but you want a refreshing drink, then check out below and learn how to make an iced version:

How to make double brew iced coffee

The best way to get through the hot summer days is by drinking iced coffees. This can also be a nice batch of cold brew coffee if you ask me.

Did you know that you can make a double brew iced coffee as well? To make this recipe you’re going to need:

  • A coffee brewer of your choice
  • Coffee beans
  • Water to brew the coffee
  • Ice cubes and a nice glass to serve to iced coffee

You’ve got two choices to make when talking about iced coffee. You can either double brew some amazing coffee, let it cool down a bit, and then pour the coffee onto an ice-filled glass.

Or, you can save yourself a bit of time and brew a double-strength cup of coffee by doubling the amount of coffee used to brew one cup of coffee. You can use the table at the start of this article to see how many coffee beans you’re going to need.

Both of these coffees will have a significant increase in caffeine, I recommend drinking just a cup a day of this coffee. This way, you can also enjoy another cup of coffee later on.

The best coffee to double brew

I’ve talked about the amount of coffee to use, how to brew this amazing cup of coffee, but what about the coffee beans, right?

You can use any kind of coffee beans to double brew your coffee. For me, this will usually be a medium roasted coffee, but for you, this can differ. Medium roasted coffee beans look like this:

"Medium roasted coffee beans used to make double brewed coffee."

If you are a fan of dark roasted coffee beans and use them daily, brew this coffee using this coffee roast. It’s a lot of fun to try out different coffee roasts and origins to get a distinct coffee flavor each time.

Are you interested in going all out with this coffee? You can also opt to use Death Wish coffee. These coffee beans have a very dark roast and contain much more caffeine than other coffee beans.

Death Wish coffee beans taste really full-bodied, and if you are a fan of drinking strong coffee on a daily basis, you’ll absolutely love these coffee beans. Check them out and give them a try. I can highly recommend them.

Is it safe to double brew coffee?

Yes, it’s safe to double brew coffee. There is nothing wrong with using double the amount of coffee to brew coffee. However, be careful with the number of cups you drink of this coffee each day.

As this coffee already uses double the number of coffee beans in one cup of coffee, don’t overuse this technique as the coffee contains enough caffeine to get you through half a day, at least.

Most of the time, when I double brew my coffee, I make it for my morning coffee. This will boost me through the morning, and later that day, I’ll drink regular cups of coffee. I suggest trying this coffee yourself and see when it works best for you.

Can you double brew coffee in a Keurig?

I don’t recommend double brewing coffee using a Keurig coffee machine. Coffee pods are made in a way that extracts the right amount of coffee, using a set amount of water.

After the machine has run water through the coffee cup, it will fully extract the coffee pod from its delicious coffee flavors.

I’ve tested this technique using a Nespresso machine, as this is the version that I’m using at home. However, this works the same way as the Keurig coffee machines. You can check out the article to see the difference in using the coffee pods for a second time.

The coffee that comes out a second time looks and smells weird and doesn’t taste great. This is why I do not recommend double brewing coffee using a Keurig coffee machine, as this will leave you with a bad-tasting cup of coffee.


This was a great article to write. The slight increase in brewing time from your regular cup of joe doesn’t make that big of a difference when you get a coffee with this amount of caffeine. It really is amazing.

You can use this brewing technique to make multiple styles of coffee. Use it to brew some amazing French press coffee, or make an iced version for those hot summer days.

Your Dream Coffee is all about making the best coffee possible that suits the flavors you love. If you’re interested in making some delicious coffee recipes, you can check them out below.

Have you double brewed coffee before? Let me know by leaving a comment down below. If you have any other questions regarding coffee, you can also contact me directly by pressing the “Contact Me” button at the top!

Coffee recipes to try

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