There are a few things that can turn a good cup of coffee into a great cup. One of those things is brown sugar.

Brown sugar is slightly sweeter than white sugar, but it also has a more complex and fuller flavor that hits all the right notes in your morning cup.

In this article, I’ll discuss all the possibilities on how you can sweeten your daily coffee with brown sugar, how it tastes, and how much to add.

Does this sound like something you’d like to learn? Then grab a cup of coffee and start reading away!

Can you use brown sugar in coffee?

Brown sugar is a natural sweetener that you can use in place of white sugar in coffee. It has a deep brown color and a molasses flavor. It’s also less refined than white sugar, so it retains more nutrients.

Brown sugar contains more moisture than white sugar, so it’s more likely to clump if it gets wet. However, this shouldn’t matter when using it in your coffee, as it dissolves quickly in hot liquids.

Brown sugar in a small cup.

So, if you have some brown sugar that has been sitting in your kitchen cabinet for a bit, make sure to grab it and give it a try by adding some to your coffee.

Below, I’ll talk about the different ways you can incorporate brown sugar in your daily coffees if it tastes good and much more!

Does brown sugar taste good in coffee?

Brown sugar and coffee are something you may have never thought of, but it’s a wonderful combination that I think you’ll love.

It has become a daily ritual for me. I just pour a cup of freshly brewed coffee into a mug and drop in one or two teaspoons of dark brown sugar.

I let it sit for about 30 seconds before stirring. Sometimes I add a bit of milk to the mix.

Adding brown sugar to a freshly brewed cup of coffee.

I think brown sugar tastes amazing in coffee. The brown sugar makes for a unique-tasting sweetened coffee that you can’t get anywhere else.

It’s also a great addition if you’re out of white granulated sugar and you’re wondering if brown sugar will work as well.

You now know that it works really well for coffee, so I suggest giving it a try yourself. Below, I’ll talk more about the different coffees you can sweeten with brown sugar:

What coffees do I sweeten with brown sugar?

Can you use brown sugar in coffee?

The answer depends on what type of coffee you have, whether you sweeten it or if you drink black coffee. It also depends on your personal preference.

Before diving into the answer, let me explain why brown sugar is a good candidate for coffee sugar replacement.

Because brown sugar has a molasses flavor, it will flavor your coffee differently than your typical coffee sugar.

This is the main reason why it’s a great idea to flavor your coffees with brown sugar instead of regular white granulated sugar.

There are a few coffee recipes where I’ve already incorporated brown sugar into the drinks. Have a look below for some inspiration:

The above-listed coffees are all based on sweetening the coffees with brown sugar. The brown sugar latte is made by adding brown sugar to the coffee and then stirring until combined, and it looks like this:

"Cinnamon brown sugar latte recipe."

The iced coffee, on the other hand, uses brown sugar syrup.

The brown sugar syrup ensures that the cold coffee is sweetened with the right flavors without needing to stir for several minutes to let the sugar dissolve. (You can find the recipe here!)

Adding raw brown sugar and making a simple brown sugar syrup will make an amazing addition to any coffee you like to drink.

Are you a fan of iced coffee or cold brew coffee? Make a bit of the syrup and sweeten the coffee to taste.

If you prefer drinking a cappuccino or latte in the morning, you can add some brown sugar to taste. Below, I’ll talk more about how much sugar to add to your coffee:

How much brown sugar do I add to coffee?

Adding the right amount of sugar to your coffee can be challenging. Brown sugar is different in flavor, so you can use less brown sugar than you’d usually use to add the same sweetness to your coffee.

I recommend the following amounts for an average sweetness level in the coffee of choice:

Which coffee?Amount of brown sugar to add:
Latte1 tsp (7 grams)
Cappuccino1 tsp (7 grams)
Regular black coffee2 tsp (14 grams)
Iced coffee1 tsp (7 grams)
Cold brew coffee2 tsp (14 grams)

The above-listed amounts of brown sugar will make for a coffee that is sweetened a bit, while you can still taste all the flavors you’re used to when drinking coffee.

I like to add one teaspoon to regular-strong coffees, but if it’s a much more robust cup of coffee (like the cold brew coffee) then I’ll add another teaspoon to sweeten it a bit more.

If you want, you can always add a bit more sugar to your coffee. But I do suggest trying it with the amounts I’ve listed above, so you have a good starting point of how much sugar to add.

More coffee add-ins to try

Ready to upgrade your daily coffee?

Here are some coffee add-ins to try today:

And for even more options, check out the coffee add-ins hub here!


Adding brown sugar to your coffee is fantastic. You can add as much or as little brown sugar to the coffee as you like.

It’s all about making sure you add the right amount of brown sugar, as it’s different from regular coffee sugar.

I’ve liked adding brown sugar to my coffees much more than adding white granulated sugar, as it makes for a more unique-tasting coffee. I really like the taste of it.

Did you know that you can also add powdered sugar to your coffee? Check out this article here to learn more.

If you have any other questions regarding coffee, you can also contact me directly by pressing the “Contact Me” button at the top!

Coffee recipes to try

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